Towards the API economy
Application programming interfaces
APIs are customizable software interfaces that enable once separate software components to effectively communicate by overcoming the inherent incompatibilities created by differing software platforms. APIs bring a high level of connectivity and data sharing to multiple applications, regardless of their platforms, data structures and underlying technologies. The innovative power of APIs has led to the realization that APIs can be a critical component of enterprise solutions that impact the operational bottom line, contributing to efficiencies, growth, and innovation. That, in turn, has created the API economy, which is loosely defined as the way APIs can positively affect an organization’s profitability.
Abstraction, encapsulation
Messages back and forth
APIs operate between a calling application (known as the “client”) and a source application (the “server”) to deliver data or resources in response to a request. APIs do this through a defined set of rules (or interfaces) and protocols. Interfaces allow client applications written in any language to call the API to communicate with the source application and get the desired resource. APIs themselves can be written in most high-level languages. We mostly use Swagger. The only things that bind the backend system with the API and the calling application are the interfaces that accept requests and provide responses and the protocol used to convey the messages back and forth. APIs abstract the underlying program and encapsulate it in a way that enables the client application to easily consume its services.. APIs are used for web-based, mobile, and desktop apps as well as system-to-system communication. Any time two pieces of software need to communicate with each other, there is potential for an API to be used.